Launched on November 14, 2023 One Song One Ocean is a program that mixes music, science and ecology to develop new narratives and fertile imaginations through field projects. These narratives are nurtured by state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on marine mammal communication (whales, sperm whales, dolphins, etc.). After a residency involving artists and scientists (acculturation phase), the creative process consists of creating musical conversations between artists and mammals based on bioacoustic knowledge. A series of publications will enable these experiences to be passed on to all audiences (podcasts, films, lectures, workshops, concerts). The aim is to demonstrate the intelligence of marine life and the importance of inter-species listening. It’s about creating empathy to generate commitment.
After a residency with Deep Forest, DeLaurentis, Hervé Glotin (CNRS) and François Sarano (sperm whale specialist and former scientific advisor to Cousteau), the artists created the opus Deep Ocean – a nod to Jacques-Yves Cousteau’s expeditions. This 3-part work creates an encounter between land and ocean musicians.
A complete editorial package raises awareness of the cause of sperm whales.